Jei Twitter Pics from July 2014
Here are 8 Twitter pics that Jei posted on her personal Twitter account during July 2014. These pics are definitely really pretty and cute. I am going to say it again, Jei takes spectacular selfies! Should we nickname her the "selfie master" or something? Enjoy the images!
Can anyone translate the captions? If so, that would be really awesome!
Have you heard of the Droste effect? It is an effect of a picture reappearing in itself but as a smaller version. Jei displays this artistic effect perfectly with this selfie. You can see Jei's phone getting smaller and smaller forever! (This image is from June 30th but we decided to include it in these July images.)
굿모닝!! 좋은아침??이에요ㅎ 오늘늦잠잤어..'-'