Monday 13 January 2014

[13.01.2013] Cao Lu and Linzy Instagram Update

[13.01.2013] Cao Lu and Linzy Instagram Update

(차오루)루루랑 세영이랑 만남♡ㅋㅋ오늘 tvN E뉴스
7시50분 생방송 봐주실거죵?? 
#fiestar #차오루 #세영

{린지}모두들 오늘도 즐건하루 보냈나용~? '-' 린지세마리 등장!*_*
#fiestar #linzy #린지


  1. They're looking as good as ever! I wonder where they are and what they're doing right now! Do you know?
    Thanks for the update!
    I think Linzy looks different in the top left picture! Is it just me? I think it's the glasses!

    - FC

    1. The person at the top is not Linzy but actually a Korean news reporter I'm guessing? I cannot really understand the Korean. We really need a translator!
